Life is busy, and sometimes scary. It’s easy to get caught up in the future. What will happen? What will we do? It’s so easy to get caught up in life that we feel disconnected from the things that we are most passionate about including our horses.  Maybe you’ve been physically separated from your horse for weeks and are feeling emotionally distant. Would you like to find an easy way to reconnect with your horse? 


Calli King of CRK Training says that there are 3 steps to building connection:

  1. Slowing Down
  2. Observing
  3. Being comfortable with making requests


Matching Steps


Using the technique of “Matching Steps” is a great way to build connection with your horse. It allows you to slow down, to observe and  to be mentally present with them. You’re not thinking about what you’re going to do in the future. 


Well known horseman Mark Rashid describes two types of leaders in a herd situation. The alpha, or lead horse, that rules by dominance, and passive leaders that lead by example. Passive leaders are chosen by other members of the herd and are followed willingly. They are quiet and consistent in their day to day behavior. By following a passive leader who uses the least amount of energy possible throughout the day, they horses are not only able to stay quiet and content, but they are also able to save energy that may be useful later to ensure their survival.


In this video, I demonstrate the matching steps technique on the lead. But you can also use this technique when hand grazing your horse or by just going out into the pasture and matching foot steps with your horse while they graze. 



Let me know if you found this article and video helpful.


If you don’t currently have a horse, but are thinking about getting one, check out my free “Dream Horse Buyer’s Guide”! If contains everything you need to know about finding and selecting your next equine partner.


Enjoy the Ride!